NathanAlard, Sofox and blahusername, just so we can rule out everything, could you run the same tests as Mosel3y performed above, found here:
and let us know how you get on, especially wrt to proxy test, thanks.
Additionally, if you could try this link in your browser:
and paste when info you recieve, if any.
Also, if you have access to a different router, it would be great to rule that out as well, we’re not sure if you’re all using the same router or not, but if you have access to another router please give that a try too, there could be firewall settings on the router itself.
Could you also try your PC on a different ISP network (mobile tethering, anything to a different ISP really) and let us know if that makes any difference too.
Mosel3y, has reported that using a VPN works for him, so if you know how to and could try that too, that will help also, thanks.
Mosel3y, NathanAlard, Sofox, and blahusername, would you all try to access this link (non VPNd)
and paste what information you get, many thanks.