Can't download any version of unreal engine

[link text][2]Hi

I’m currently trying to download unreal 4.7 but it just gives me a message saying " Unable to download Unreal Engine. Please try again later". it says this for every version. It doesn’t even seem to attempt download because the second i press install i get this message.
Ive been trying this for the past 3 or 4 days but the same thing is still happening.

i uplaoded the launcher log

can someone please help with this, ive checked every part of this forum and tried every solution available and it still wont download for me

Hi, I had a same problem yesterday, but after some time Unreal engine marketplace came back to online and worked fine for me. Now I’ve checked URE marketplace, its again went offline. so I suggest you try after some time and check your connectivity as well.
Good Luck

Hi Stuey91,

Try the suggestions in this section of the troubleshooting guide.

If it still doesn’t work, follow the steps towards the bottom to generate your Debug Logs. Then post them here. They are different than the standard logs you posted about and should help us with investigating the issue.

hi TJ Ballard, thanks for the reply

i tried all the suggestions in the troubleshooting section. i’ll follow the instructions on the debug logs and repost them

link text

Thats the logs, following the instructions on the troubleshooting section

Hi Stuey,

Do you happen to be behind a proxy (you can find out here to see if you’re behind a proxy) or firewall? Can you confirm that you have tried using the -http= wininet command? Have you tired UT game or free content from the Marketplace?

-Max B.

hi Maximus, thanks for replying,

No i’m not behind a proxy, checked that earlier :). I also tried the -http= wininet command earlier as well, but didn’t work. If i try download UT game it just stays on syncing, haven’t got nay further than that. I tried the free content but it says syncing too, but this might be because i already downloaded these a few weeks back

UT Game just says unavailable after syncing

Its Still not downloading after hundreds of tries yesterday. It’s been like this for nearly a week now

Hi TJ,

I posted the Logs a day ago and still havent heard anything from you??

Is there no way to download unreal engine without going through the Launcher???

This fixed it