Can't detach character from vehicle pawn?

Hello, I’ve setup a simple system where I attach my character to a boat pawn with a button press, which puts the character in the boat.

But when I press the button again, nothing happens. I can’t begin walking again. I know this is setup correctly as I did exactly what the tutorial I’m watching did and it eirjs fine gor him.

Can you guys help Mr find a way around this bug?

Here’s the code inside the character BP. I really appreciate any and all help here.


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Try something like this to test.

Maybe this can help you diagnose the problem?

I am just doing disable movement and set movement mode as an example. I would try to replace what you have at the start and see if maybe the issue lies within the start code. I’m not too familiar with what you have before the actual getting in and getting out of the boat :face_with_diagonal_mouth: So sorry about that but maybe this would provide some insight into what’s going on? I have only known Unreal for a year or two but I thought this might help.

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Have you tried resetting the ANIMATION MODE? Anytime you unpossess a pawn, there’s a chance you’ll need to reset its ANIMATION MODE (this redeclares the Animation Blueprint.)

Hey thanks for the reply. I tried that but it doesnt seem to make any changes. This is so weird. I appreciate your effort though, and if you think if snything else, please let me know :slight_smile:

Hey thanks for the reply. So doing what you did doesnt even disable my input. I can still walk around. I had the exact same problem when doing this to my cars/vehicles. The disable input node seems to just be broken.

Thank you for trying though. Any other ideas?

You could try deleting your character movement component and recreating it, as maybe the movement component was messed up some how? Sorry for the late reply by the way.

Hey there,

one thing that feels a bit weird to me is the use of GetLocalViewingPlayerController

Maybe it’s because I never use it but I feel like this could easilly be something that fails silently if your pawn isn’t the view target. Is it the node you used elsewhere? Have you tried the more regular and have a reason no to use them?

Second idea:

Perhaps try disabling this, seems like it could break stuff too. You character my not have physics enabled but your car probaly has it, so perhaps your character gets switched to kinematic and gets welded (:hot_face:) into your car.

Hey sorry had a health scare, then forgot about this thread. I managed to get it to work. I forgot to re turn on my character collision. That fixed it.

Thank you for your time and effort to help me.

Hey, sorry i didnt reply sooner. I was in the hospital for a while.

I found the issue though. I forgot to turn back on my player collision. That fixed it.

I really appreciate the reply though. Ill keep an eye out for those things in the future :slight_smile:

No problem! I hope you are doing well!