Im Building a Inventory System but i stuck here somehow and i dont know why.
This Blueprint is Working as it should. Its a function in my Character Blueprint.
But when i try to put the functionallity somewhere else for example to my InventoryActor wich contains some structs to hold the Item Infos of the pickedup items it doesnt destory the Actors that are picked up.
I also changed the function that calls the destroy actor node from my item and to a destroy actor node directly but it still isnt working.
The NewFunction0 instantly calls a destroy actor node on the passed actor.
I experienced something like this with the foreachloop of structs too where the data that was passed through the loop was damaged … but to take the data from the array directly didnt worked like it worked with the structs.
Me being dumb.
First 3 pics there is no destroy actor.
What is in your your “On Pick Up Array”
If you need 2 nodes to destroy actor, why make a function, just curious?
OnPickedUp is a function of my ItemActor i only calls a destroy node …
i would call this from in my inventoryActory but i dont work nor can i destroy the actor directly.
i know its a little stupid to make function that only calls the destroy node … but i want to do more after this …if it would work.
The problem : i pass the itemActor from my character to my inventoryActor but in the Inventory actor i cant destroy it anymore like i was abled to in the character blueprint.
Inside of the NewFunction0 you have to change the Input Variable to “Pass by Reference”. And please name your functions with something making sense the next you ask something on the answerhub.
i will next … pass by reference is now active but not i get a “accessed none from node” error and i dont know how to get it away.
This means you are trying to destroy an “empty” Actor. If you call destroy in the same function without NewFunction0 you will also get the “Accesses None” Error, right?
you mean after the branch instead of the NewFunction0 ? y this is working … but when i pass it over to the another actor to call the destroy node there its no more working.
atm i got it all in my character where its working but i need to be abled to pass the reference later otherwise i cant do anything : (