Can't debug Server on XCode

Hi, there:

I’m using UE 4.8.3 Source Code Version, I can’t debug server from Xcode, it crash when launch,
The attachments shows the crash info



I’ve tried “ProjectServer - Mac”, “ProjectEditor - Mac” with -server argument, both crash.

Hey ZenTechEntertainment-

Are you trying to build the engine or a project? Does the crash occur if you build in a configuration other than Debug Server? If this is the first time the solution is being built then you may need to build in Development Editor first and then build in Debug. If there is any other information you can provide about what you’re building or the process you’re using will help us identify what is going on.


Hey ZenTechEntertainment-

We’ve not heard from you in a few days and I will be marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still having problems with debugging please feel free to reopen this post with a comment and we will continue investigating.


I’m trying to build the project; I’ve build Development Editor, and I’ve try Archive and Run, Archive( MacServer ) is OK, Run( MacServer Debug ) will crash.
Now I debug the server by using Debug->Attach to Process after launch MacServer.

Hey ZenTechEntertainment-

I just want to clarify, does Debug->Attach to Process work for you? Additionally, are you able to run DebugServer for a new empty project or does it have the same errors?

Yes, Debug → Attach to Process works for me.
I’ll do empty project testing when I have space time.

Hello ZenTechEntertainment,

I’m glad to hear that attaching works for you. I’ll be marking this as resolved for the moment until you have a chance to try this in a fresh project. Whenever that does happen, please feel free to comment with the results and the question will reopen.