I’ve been trying for days to create an Unreal Engine 5.4 project but UE won’t let me.
At first, UE creator tool told me that i could not use MSVC 14.39 version because it has been banned from UE.
Okay not a problem, I launched the Visual Studio Installer (i use 2022 community) and removed the 14.39 toolchain and installed the 14.38 one (as advised by UE creator tool).
But then the creator tool crashed again telling me it could not find a valid 14.39 MSVC toolchain (which is supposed to be banned)
I removed completely and re-installed both Visual Studio and the 5.4 Engine and still can’t create the project.
So i thought i’d create a Blueprint project and then add a c++ class to convert the project, but once again it could not compile because of the same error.
I saw other people having this issue. But most of the time, simply removing the 14.39 version was enough. But whatever i do it looks like the engine is specifically looking for this version.
Is there a way to tell the engine to look for the 14.38 version ?
I tried going in the properties of the engine in the Epic library but no options look like that
Two weeks and still not found any solution both here and on the discord.
I need to use Unreal Engine but i can’t.
Also, i noticed that every UE5 engine is like that, not just 5.4 as i though, maybe this can help narrowing the issue.
Hi there, Thanks for answering !
Unfortunatly yes, whatever the case, it seems like my UE 5 (5.1/5.2/5.3/5.4) is looking for MSVC 14.39 which is actually banned from UE5…
Seeing how i needed to edit this file, I must mean that i first edited it once and I simply don’t remember it. That is 100% one me.
BUT, it feels very weird that no one on this forum or the discord though about that.
Given the behavior of my UE (always looking for this specific version) I knew it must have been written somewhere but no one thought of this file.
Even the discord AI, Mrs Unreal, did not speak of this file… (I clearly asked her where i could “hardcode” which compiler version i wanted to use)
I think maybe this need to be written somewhere in the doc.