Can't craft object in fabricator

So im making my first mod and the engram says it can be crafted in the fabricator i have the crafting requires inventory component to fabricator but it still does not show up in it

Inside your “PrimalGameData_BP…” locate the “Additional Structure Engrams” (about halfway down) and add an element by clicking the plus sign. Then make sure you add the fabricator to the “for class” slot… Then under the class additions add element and identify each of the items your want to be present. This should add the new items as engrams to the existing fabricators options, or those present from another mod.

I am also trying todo this but I it doesnt seem to be working I was hoping you could elaborate on it abit more ? do you use the fabricator inventory BP or the item one and do you use the engram item for your item or the inventory item? im trying it out in the test map and nothing comes up in the fabricator at all?

If you are trying to add these to the vanilla fabricator you may run into issues, but you would not want to touch the fabricator as they are a CORE file. You would go into the PrimalGameData BP that you made for your mod, then scroll down about 60% of the way till you see “Additional Structure Engrams”. You need to add an instance of this. It will allow you to specify “For Class”, which is where you will identify the “StorageBox_Fabricator”. Then under “Class Additions” you will need to identify the item(s) you want the fabricator to be able to craft using the “PrimalItem…”. Once again I would recommend just making a unique fabricator copy as I personally don’t know how well adding engrams to the vanilla fabricator works. Usually you have to also add the items you want to craft to the inventory list of the crafting station.

thanks Ionic in my situation I am trying to craft an item that is vanilla that can only be crafted in the original fabricator due to its setting configurations so I am trying to get around this by using the vanilla fabricator but it may just not be possible what I am trying to achieve. but thanks for the extra detail Ill give it another go and see what happens. as there is multiple names for each Item I wasnt sure which file for the item and fab I should be using but the above should solve that issue at least so thanks again

So you are trying to craft a standard game object normally made in the standard game fabricator? And you are trying to go around this process by using the standard fabricator to craft the item?

yeah pretty much haha Im actually using different ingredients to create an ingame Item that spoils into an existing item that is only made in the fabricator and I have actually managed to do it in single player and the dev kit and it works now in there from your assistance! thank you ! however when I load it up onto my server the engram doesn’t show in the engram list so you cant learn it but it does show up in single player and work fine… have you run into this issue before? I have the engram currently listed under “additional engram blueprint classes” and not the “engram blueprint classes” list. but it just doesn’t show up

A related issue to this one… My custom crafting station works great, all of my engrams are there and are craftable… only none of them are using the folders I assigned to them (and yes, I’ve got the Use Custom Folders box checked). I can add a vanilla item’s engram to my crafting station and it’ll tuck itself away in its proper folder, but lets say I make a copy of said item and only change its name, add it to my primal and all that, then put it in my crafting station and it won’t use the folders either. Is this a known issue with custom crafting stations and custom items? Or is there just some subtly that I missed and I just need to continue tweaking it till I get it right?