Can't convert a 4.3 project to 4.4

So, I’ve got a project in 4.3.1 that works fine with no problems whatsoever, I’ve recently installed 4.4.2 of the engine and have tried to open my project in the new engine. I used the ‘open a copy’ option when doing so.

However, the engine won’t convert my project and gives me the following error message:
“The project failed to compile with this version of the engine. Would you like to open the project in Visual Studio?”

Here’s the build log:
"The project failed to compile with this version of the engine. Build output is as follows:

Running C:/Program Files/Unreal Engine/4.4/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe GAMTutorialLevel Development Win64 -project=“C:/Users/raybou01/Documents/Unreal Projects/GAMTutorialLevel 4.4 - 3/GAMTutorialLevel.uproject” -rocket -editorrecompile -progress
ERROR: Couldn’t find target rules file for target ‘GAMTutorialLevel’ in rules assembly ‘GAMTutorialLevel_EditorRecompileModuleRules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.
Location: C:\Users\raybou01\Documents\Unreal Projects\GAMTutorialLevel 4.4 - 3\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\GAMTutorialLevel_EditorRecompileModuleRules.dll
Target rules found:
UE4Game - C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.4\Engine\Source\UE4Game.Target.cs
VehicleGame - C:\Users\raybou01\Documents\Unreal Projects\GAMTutorialLevel 4.4 - 3\Source\VehicleGame.Target.cs
VehicleGameEditor - C:\Users\raybou01\Documents\Unreal Projects\GAMTutorialLevel 4.4 - 3\Source\VehicleGameEditor.Target.cs "

Any ideas?

Is it because I’ve based the project off the vehicle game and so need the newer version of this and its assets? If so, how do I go about swapping out the required elements without having to start all over again?


Hey teed-

Are you able to create a new project in 4.3.1 and then convert it to 4.4.2?

Hi ,
Yes, I can do that without any problems.

It’s possible that there could be a level that has been corrupted in some way. In the folder where your project is located, go into the Content folder and pull out the entire Maps folder (you can move it to the desktop during this process so you don’t lose them). Then try updating the project again.

That didn’t work. I get the same error message when I try and update the project.

Hey teed-

Following the same process, are you able to convert the project if you move the entire Content folder out of the project folder?

Also are you using the engine built from source code or from the Launcher? Are you still working in 4.4.2 or have you updated your engine version to 4.4.3?


Nope, with the full Content folder removed, I still get the error message. I also tried removing the Saved folder in case in any of the auto-saved assets were causing problems, and still got the crash.

I’m using the Launcher to open the engine and then converting the project from there.
I’ve upgraded to 4.4.3


In the project folder, right click the .uproject file and select “Switch Unreal Engine version” and choose 4.4. Then right click again and select “Generate Visual Studios project files”. Run the .sln that is created and then build the project inside Visual Studios and try running again. Make sure you have placed the other folders removed (Content, Maps, and Saved) back into the project folder before generating the project files

Hi ,
That appears to have worked!
The project opens in 4.4.3 fine and the most recent map opens without any apparent errors.
I’ve not had a ‘proper’ playthough the level yet to do a thorough check, but I can’t see any problems!

Thanks a lot!