Can't control Pawn on Level change?

I’m currently trying my attempt at a networked game and it’s going well so far, but now I’m trying to add in UI and I’ve run into this issue.

If the player is on the MainMenu “map” it sets the HUD to the main menu and sets the default pawn to none. SO when the player starts the game he does not control a pawn. That all works. I host game (which currently just opens a new level) and it brings me to the new map and sets the default pawn to the PlayerCharacter_C. My pawn spawns and all is dandy, but it just won’t let me control him or give him any input. As you can see when he spawns/respawns (which is currently just handled in the custom playerController) he gets possessed by the controller. Well that doesn’t seem to work anymore… all I can do is move the camera around the pawn. (Also ignore the hide actor node)

This all worked when it was all in one level before i started putting in the UI and it just put you in a game, but now it doesn’t.

Any ideas here? I can take more screenshots if that’s necessary.