If i try to connect to my plastic cloud server with all of the corret credentials I get the following error: “Failed to launch Plastic SCM command line tool. You need to install it or set the correct path to it first.”
in the command line i’m able to launch the Plastiuc scm command line tool. I also don’t know where it’s installed or where i should install it to if that’s the reason it doesn’t work
Hey ! Your Answer helped a lot. I thought that field was for the server adress, since it was like that coming from Perforce. But yeah that makes sense now. thanks for your help
Version: 4.25.4-14469661+++UE4+Release-4.25 on win10
I followed the instructions and I am getting the attached image error. Then I clikced on “Createa new plastic SCM workspace for hte current project” and got the below cmd errors.
Please let me know if you can help,
LogSourceControl: Error: RunCommand(1): 'version' 0 TIMEOUT after 180.001973s output:
LogSourceControl: Error: RunCommand(1): 'version' 'cm shell' stopped after 180.003970s output:
LogSourceControl: Error: RunCommand(1): 'whoami': cm shell not running
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 1.20ms
LogSourceControl: IssueAsynchronousCommand: Connect
LogSourceControl: Error: RunCommand(1): 'getworkspacefrompath': cm shell not running
SourceControl: Error: Failed to enable Plastic SCM source control. You need to initialize the project as a Plastic SCM repository first.
LogSlate: Window 'About Unreal Editor' being destroyed
LogSourceControl: InitializePlasticWorkspace(previs, previs, localhost:8087) CreateIgnore=1 Commit=1
LogSourceControl: IssueAsynchronousCommand: MakeWorkspace
LogSourceControl: Error: RunCommand(1): 'makerepository': cm shell not running
LogSourceControl: Error: RunCommand(1): 'makeworkspace': cm shell not running
SourceControl: Error: makeworkspace: Plastic SCM shell not running!
LogSourceControl: Error: Error: MakeWorkspace operation failed!