I can’t figure out how to get the beard (child actor component) and mustache (groom component) to move with the mesh. They are both parented to the mesh
I suspect the issue might have something to do with how I have the character set up… the Mesh is a head… the “armor mesh” is the body… I bought these beard assets and copied exactly how the blueprint had them in the example (in the asset there is a third person character BP with the beard on there) - but can’t replicate it and I’m guessing my mesh is the issue… my mesh uses the default UE skeleton
The component needs to be directly under the sceletal mesh. You have Point_1 in between and then Beard. So either set the parent socket in the Point_1 scene component or move the Beard to be directly under your mesh then it should work
Thanks for trying to help w/ this - appreciate it
But i’m still getting the same issue. Even with both Beard Set and Mustache parented directly to the mesh.“Cannot change socket on inherited components”.