Cant change my EMail in personal settings. Bug?


I have a problem, I want to change my email Adress in the personal settings.

I get a red message there: You are limited to only one alternative email. Please check your email at 123 to verify the address. So i click on the cancel button enter a new email, enter the code that sent to my old email and after i click on confirm the process repeat. That was my 20 try to change my email in personal settings without success :frowning:

Have anyone the same problem or could help me?



same for me i allready verifyed my account and now i want to change it so i pressed the cancel button and entered the new email and i entered the code and it was showing red and its not working why anyone help pls

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I tried again. And it seems they finally fix it. Send to my old email a code and after enter it i only need to confirm the new one by clicking on the button they sent to it :slight_smile:

Hi i have changed my email today and i verified at time
Also the security code send me and anything is okey but i have same problem
Also when i press resend mail to recive verifying link epic doesn’t send me another link for verify but i receive 2fa or… from epic in my new mail