Can't change how many fps my niagara system is running at UE5.2

Hello, I’ve made this simple fire niagara system, but I’ve noticed that no matter what framerate I set for it to play at, it plays at the same fps in the viewport. Any ideas why?

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I am having this issue too, I am trying to cache the animation out at 240 fps so I can make a slow motion video but 1. I can’t change the sims fps and 2. the cache at 240fps looks different to the cache at 30fps but I assume this is due to point 1.

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Hey did you figure this out? I’m trying to do the same thing. The amount of unanswered questions on here is wild lol.

Me too i also need to know

Any updates on this issue? I want to run the entire system at a lower frame rate for 1) better performance and 2) a more stylized look.