Can't Change Default Material on Groom

Need help. All grooms have the same material in 4.24, and it appears you can’t put a different material in the slot. Is there a way around this?

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Im having same issue. Any workaround to be able to assign different hair materials to any imported groom?

Im on UE5

This was fixed many versions ago. You should be able to click the groom in the world outlier and drag another material to it in the details panel…

A little late, but for anyone looking, the solution for me was to tick Used with Hair Strands in your hair master material.


It seems that when copying from the Default material you need to make sure these nodes are included?

Just logged in to say THANK YOU.

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Thank you!

Thanks. It still happening on 5.0

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Very late reply. However, in your material, under details, change the shading model to hair. Should work after that.


I had a different problem.
On the right of the groom properties select the Materials tab and add Material Slots (number depending on your UV). Go back to the Strands tab and you will be able to choose the material with the drop-down.


This is just what I needed - thank you!

Weird how when I tried to update the project from 5.1 to 5.3 it changed those settings, and no matter how many materials I switched around the hair color wouldn’t change. Adjusted the option you suggested and it went back to normal immediately. Thanks a lot! :pray: :pray: