I’m making a custom UUserWidget, with a UBorder* InterfaceBackground as a member variable. I have the following lines of code:
//Set up Canvas
UCanvasPanelSlot* BackgroundAsCanvas = Cast<UCanvasPanelSlot>(InterfaceBackground->Slot);
if (BackgroundAsCanvas)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Interface Background slotted as canvas slot"));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Interface Background could not be slotted as Canvas Slot!"));
I’ve set it up correctly to a Blueprint Widget, but the Cast always fails due to BackgroundAsCanvas being invalid, getting the second error message.
Other ways I’ve tried is calling the UWidgetLayoutLibrary::SlotAsCanvasSlot, but that didn’t work either. I’ve also tried passing through the UUserWidget instead, but that fails as well.
The intent is that I can add this widget to the viewport without having it take up the entire screen, only the necessary amount.
You are doing the cast in NativeConstruct()? I don’t think you can do it in the normal Constructor().
Here is a random snippet from our code casting something to slot.
// in the HUDWidget .h file
UScaleBox* _mouseIcon_Crosshair = nullptr;
UCanvasPanelSlot* _canvasPanelSlot_Crosshair = nullptr;
// in the HUDWidget .cpp file called in NativeConstruct()
// get ref to crosshair then cast to panel slot
_mouseIcon_Crosshair = (UScaleBox*)GetWidgetFromName(MOUSE_ICON_CROSSHAIR);
_canvasPanelSlot_Crosshair = UWidgetLayoutLibrary::SlotAsCanvasSlot(_mouseIcon_Crosshair);
Tried adding get widget from name. I’m not too familiar with the function, but I feel I’ve already accomplished that by adding BindWidget in UPROPERTY and adding a Border widget with the same name.
So no luck on that end. Thank you though.
What’s strange about this is that, even if I do this in BP, I get an error that it accesses none when calling Slot As Canvas Slot. Although when it was done with a Widget BP that inherited from UUser Widget, it wasn’t a problem.