Can't call function from child component

Hey guys,

I’m stuck with a problem for a while now.

I’m not able to call a function from a child component, specifically a Leap Motion Hands Blueprint.

The events are fired correctly, if I debug via sounds etc. it works fine.
I tried via casting and also setting the varaible beforehand.

Anyways I never understood why it has to be so complicated to get something from a child blueprint.

Every help is appreciated.

Thanks and best regards,


Are you sure you’re not mixing up actors with components:


You probably aren’t. What’s the length of the array, do the casts fail?

Hey Everynone,

thanks for the fast reply.

You do have a point there, I may got things switched up while working.
But if I go for the component way I’m unable to do anything because the casting doesn’t work.

Or am I still missing something?

Best regards,


Solution found, the old setup was correct (loops)
somehow i made an error somewhere, after rebuilding the nodes it worked

Thanks fr the help

Well done. Sorry I couldn’t help.