Can't build the HLOD for the actors merged the static mesh actors using "convert to selection in blueprint class"?


we have a project making an island with 30 houses
source of houses is Rhino (.3dm) file.
so I convert it to datasmith and import it.

but the problem is optimization.

Too many actors and too many polygons are there.
to solve the drawcall problem, We merged it to one actor by using convert to selection in blueprint class.

like this,

and make construction node to set them in the right position by datasmtih scene.

and we used world partition and nanite. but these are not working as epic said (we don’t know why :frowning: )

so We want to make HLOD of building actors like city sample but it doesn’t work too.

How to build HLOD for an actor with static meshes?

As far I know, HLODs doesn’t work with Static Mesh Components (Static Meshes inside BPs) it only work with Static Mesh Actors.