Hello. I have a problem with Build in my UE4
I opened a First Person Template sample, added a couple of boxes in the scene and hit Build, cuz program said it has to rebuild.
My Swarm Agent started, but in Status tab nothing shown
In the log tab i have this:
19:44:32: Starting up SwarmAgent ...
19:44:32: ... registering SwarmAgent with remoting service
19:44:32: ... registering SwarmAgent network channels
19:44:32: ... initializing SwarmAgent
19:44:32: [ERROR] Local agent failed to initialize with an IPC channel! Falling back to TCP...
19:44:32: [ERROR] Local agent failed to initialize with a TCP channel! Fatal error.
and Agent just sits like that, UE is not responding anymore.
Is there any fix? I couldnt find this problem anywhere
I am connected to internet while Build, if thats important