Can't Build From Source; GenerateProjectFiles.bat Failing to Compile

Please help I don’t know what to do anymore, I’ve gone through other peoples questions on here and nobody seems to be having the issue I’m having.

I downloaded the UE source (switched to 5.3 branch), ran setup.bat, then GenerateProjectFiles.bat.
It is throwing 70 compiler errors.

I have Visual Studio 2022 installed, and I have used it months ago to compile 5.1, but it took 100gigs of space on my drive so I deleted it, but I double checked the docs to make sure I didnt need anything new for my VS

My PC specs: GPU 3060; CPU AMD Ryzen 9; 32gb Ram; M.2 SSD

I have also tried opening ‘UnrealBuildTool.csproj’ in VS and tried compiling it there, I tried suppressing all warnings and errors, I tried using dotnet 6, 7 and 8 (7 and 8 have 60 errors not 70)

But I don’t know what else to do
Please Help

I have found that its EpicGames.Horde thats failing to build, supressing warnings doesnt seem to do anything though

Heres some of my installed packages, maybe Im missing one?
Or maybe I have too many and they cause conflicts?



Do you have the Unreal Engine Installer? type in unreal under individual components.
Also, did you download the correct files from your organization portal?