Can't build cross-platform project that uses PixelStreaming on Mac

So I have an app that is cross-platform. I have it working on Windows, Android, and Linux, and as well as PixelStreaming.

I have brought the project over to a Mac now for MacOS and iOS builds, however the PixelStreamingPlugin appears to not have Mac support so all of the Pixel Streaming related blueprints I have cause errors due to unknown object types and functions.

Is there a way to fix this?

PixelStreaming does not compile on macOS, because in UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Media/PixelStreaming/PixelStreaming.uplugin it has no PlatformDenyList entries for “Mac” for the GPU accelerations AVCodecsCore, NVCodecs, and AMFCodecs. Can you try:

			"Name": "AVCodecsCore",
			"Enabled": true,
			"PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64",	"Linux" ]
			"Name": "NVCodecs",
			"Enabled": true,
			"PlatformDenyList": [ "Mac" ]
			"Name": "AMFCodecs",
			"Enabled": true,
			"PlatformDenyList": [ "Linux", "Mac" ]

Did this work?

I don’t 100% remember, but possibly so. I did get it to work, so this may have been how and I forgot to mark it as solution


Unfortunately, at this stage Pixel Streaming does not support Mac.

However we are targeting Pixel Streaming Mac support for UE 5.4! (no promises of course)
Make sure to keep an eye on UE5/Main in Github over the next few months if you want an early peek at it.

Would this support also allow for Vcam to be used with a mac?

Yes, VCam support should also be included with the Pixel Streaming support for Mac!

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