Can't build because an error with an anim sequence

I keep getting this warnings when trying to build a project. I tried deleting every reference to this asset and then I can compile, so I know this is the asset blocking the process.

PackagingResults: Warning: Found non valid position track for Pick_Anim, 64 frames, instead of 28. Chopping!
PackagingResults: Warning: Found non valid rotation track for Pick_Anim, 64 frames, instead of 28. Chopping!
PackagingResults: Warning: Found non valid scaling track for Pick_Anim, 64 frames, instead of 28. Chopping!

I also tried many things with the asset itself in order to undersand the warning and isolate the error and fix it, but I had zero success. I basically stripped the entire Animation Sequence and it keeps failing. I cleaned the timeline and deleted everything there, I resetted all bones transforms… I also tried to remove and add frames and that modifies the numbers displayed in the warning, but still fails and can’t understand why. I tracked the error in C++ and got to the function CompressRawAnimSequenceTrack, but I still don’t know where’s the problem. Any help would be much appreciated.

I fixed mine by deleting the animation montage as a whole

did you ever solve? I have same issue