More details needed regarding what you’re trying to do. What’s the setup / hierarchy, and who is trying to talk to whom? This panel should be only visible on the direct parent of the widget, for example.
You will either need to bind dynamically or make your own dispatchers in case you need to listen to user widget calls.
What you’re showing and saying does not add up. Could please describe how it’s supposed to work. The call makes no sense.
Did you place a user-widget wrapped button in another widget? Is this what we’re looking at? A user widget with a native button sitting in a canvas? The native button will not be able to dispatch. You need to create your own dispatcher, as mentioned above. Or bind dynamically.
Could this be a matter of flagging the button as isVariable at the very top of the panel?
If you make a user widget with a button:
You can call its events only in this widget:
But, as seen above, you can add a custom dispatcher to those calls, so another widget can catch them:
Or, do it dynamically in the widget who owns the user widget with the button:
Here, there’s no need for an additional dispatcher.
I think I understand what you’re trying to do, and it would be a great optional feature - Exposing Delegated Events of Native Widgets. Sadly, it’s not a thing.
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