can't automatically transform when replacing objects - TM 2023.1


I can't manage to automatically transform when I replace a bunch of objects.

I want to turn my sketchup trees into the ones from TM library, "transform" option box is checked.

I tried everything, breaking instances, turn the components in sketchup into groups.

All the replaced trees have the same rotation, same size...

I tried with direct link import, and "old way" import

twinmotion 2023.1 version

Am I missing something ?

Hi ,

Is this still happening for you? If it is, would you be able to share a video example or screenshots showing the issue in order to help me better understand what might be happening?

You can also submit a bug report here so our support team can assist.




thank you for your answer. Yes it is still not happening I should say since the feature is not working.

I'm now on 2023.1.2 version and it is not fixed.

here are screenshots to help you understand.

Your link for bug report is not working.



Thanks Paul,

I updated the link in my original post, so it should work now, but if it still doesn't please try

One important to thing to note about the Transform setting with Replace object is that the Scale of the old and new objects will be the same, so if the initial objects are set to a 100% scale, then the new object will be set to a 100% scale also.

In your example, 100% scale for the Littleleaf Linden trees is much larger than that of that original arbre assets, so it seems to be working normally. You may need to scale down the arbre assets to get the desired scaling for the trees. From the screenshot, the rotation and position values seem accurate, but you can confirm this in the XYZ panel to check.

If any values are not accurate after replacement, could you send a copy of the Twinmotion and Sketchup files you used in your screenshots when you submit your bug report?



Ok, My mistake there's no bug after all. I was sure this function allowed to automatically transform objects randomly to create variety, and that it did so in the previous versions. But I tried with older versions of TM and it acts the same.

I must have mixed up with another software.

It would have been cool though, to be able to randomly transform height and rotation , very useful for vegetation.

sorry for the inconvenience



Hi Paul,

Thanks for that information, and no need to apologize.

For your idea about being able to randomly set the transforms for replaced objects, this is a feature that has been requested before and is currently under consideration by the development team. We have a roadmap item for this as Replace object enhancement - Twinmotion Public Roadmap. I recommend voting on the feature on our roadmap and providing any additional context on your use case for it. This feedback goes straight to the team and helps determine the course of future development.

