Can't assign pointer variable in widgets

Hi, I’ve created a custom UCanvasPanel, which has 4 public variables:

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (ExposeOnSpawn = "true"), Category = "Other Panels")
		UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel* LeftPanel;
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (ExposeOnSpawn = "true"), Category = "Other Panels")
		UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel* RightPanel;
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (ExposeOnSpawn = "true"), Category = "Other Panels")
		UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel* TopPanel;
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (ExposeOnSpawn = "true"), Category = "Other Panels")
		UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel* BotPanel;

basicly they are pointers to other canvas panels in current widget. The problem is that I cannot set them up in the details tab - they show up on the list but when I click any canvas panel, nothing happens.


For now what I do is I’m setting everything up in the Event Construct, but that is just making mess when there is a lot of panels on the widget. Is there a way to make it work?

There SynchronizeProperties event where you should sync UMG widget properties with Slate widgets that your UMG widget operates

I don’t quite understand how to use it to synchronize my variables, and from what I’ve seen in the Internet, I’m not sure if that function would help.

Ok, I managed to finally solve it with your help, thank you so much!

I don’t know if it’s the best way to do it, but I’ve created bindings to my variables. For anyone having the same problem here is my code:


//Property Bindings
virtual void SynchronizeProperties() override;

	DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE_RetVal(UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*, FGetPanel);
	UPROPERTY() FGetPanel TopPanelDelegate;
	UPROPERTY() FGetPanel BotPanelDelegate;
	UPROPERTY() FGetPanel LeftPanelDelegate;
	UPROPERTY() FGetPanel RightPanelDelegate;
	PROPERTY_BINDING_IMPLEMENTATION(UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*, RightPanel);


void UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel::SynchronizeProperties()
	TAttribute<UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*> TopPanelBinding = PROPERTY_BINDING(UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*, TopPanel);// OPTIONAL_BINDING_CONVERT(FSlateBrush, Brush, const FSlateBrush*, ConvertImage);
	TopPanel = TopPanelBinding.Get();
	TAttribute<UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*> BotPanelBinding = PROPERTY_BINDING(UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*, BotPanel);// OPTIONAL_BINDING_CONVERT(FSlateBrush, Brush, const FSlateBrush*, ConvertImage);
	BotPanel = BotPanelBinding.Get();
	TAttribute<UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*> LeftPanelBinding = PROPERTY_BINDING(UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*, LeftPanel);// OPTIONAL_BINDING_CONVERT(FSlateBrush, Brush, const FSlateBrush*, ConvertImage);
	LeftPanel = LeftPanelBinding.Get();
	TAttribute<UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*> RightPanelBinding = PROPERTY_BINDING(UDB_InteractiveCanvasPanel*, RightPanel);// OPTIONAL_BINDING_CONVERT(FSlateBrush, Brush, const FSlateBrush*, ConvertImage);
	RightPanel = RightPanelBinding.Get();