Cant add vault items to current project??

Hello everyone, I am new here so if this has already been asked I am sorry (looked but I couldn’t find it) UE wont let me add assets to my project, I am working on a project saved to my teams SVN folder and when I browse to the project I can see and open it just fine but it doesn’t show when I try to add assets to it. Is it that my project file is in the wrong location?

See attachments for screen shot

I believe this issue occurs because you are trying to add assets for a different version of the engine. I recommend posting in the answerhub :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply, I am using 4.9.2 and the animation pack is compatible with 4.4 - 4.9, if I start a new project I can add them to it, maybe I should make a dummy project and copy that directory to my other projects files, but that seems like a work around and I would like to resolve the issue properly. any other ideas?

It should work fine if you locate the files from another project or dummy project as you said and then just ‘right click > migrate’ the files that you need into your project. Not too sure if there is another way of doing it, hopefully this solves your problem though! :slight_smile:

Ok my bad I thought that I could create a new project and the vault would let me add assets but apparently it will not. I made a new project and saved it but I still get the same problem cant add assets, any ideas?

If you are creating a project using 4.9 and the asset is only updated to 4.8 for example, you won’t be able to add the asset, the only way around this is to migrate the assets from another project into your current one. I don’t have the launcher in front of my right now so i’m not quite sure. If you post on the answehub i’m sure someone with better knowledge will be able to help! :slight_smile: