Can't add Starter Content to new project

I’m getting a lot of strange problems trying to start a new project. Firstly I cannot choose the 3rd person template, the only option I get is a blank project (pretty sure there’s supposed to be like 10 options here).

The next issue is that I cannot tell it to use starter content, the Starter Content option only shows me “No Starter Content” twice.

Finally, even after the game is created I cannot add starter content manually. The ‘Add Feature of Content Pack’ only brings up a blank popup window.

What the hell is going on here? I’ve tried deleting it and starting another new project but I get the same issue

I don’t know if it’s different on a Mac, but in the Epic Games Launcher, on the Unreal Engine tab, under Engine Versions there should be an arrow next to the launch button. Click that, select options.


Then make sure “Starter Content” and “Templates And Feature Packs” are checked.
and hit apply.

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That did the trick, thanks. Unreal had all of that stuff at one point, I’m not sure when/how they all went away.

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