I imported trees from the Megascans marketplace and am now unable to drag them from my content drawer to my world. Why is that?
Hey there @HellsNoot! Welcome to the community! Are you failing to drag and drop the Static Meshes like this? Or are you working with foliage? Does it change the icon to a prohibition symbol?
Hi! Thanks for the fast reply. I am working with the BlackAlder megascan trees inside the Foliage > PivotPainter folder. Indeed the icon changes into a prohibition symbol when I try to drag it into the world.
Ahhh alright! So that’s a bit different than a static mesh directly, these are static mesh foliage actors:
This means they need to be placed with the foliage tool.
Though if you want the static mesh alone and not use the foliage system you’d head over to the BlackAlder/Geometry/PivotPainter to drag and drop them that way.
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