Can't add additional meshes to Packed Level Instance using SHIFT+LMB

I noticed that in some Unreal Engine Tutorials, you can (or could?) add more meshes to a Packed Level Instance by going into Edit mode, select the meshes, and drag them into the Level Instance in the World Outliner.

This however isn’t working for me, instead I have to go into Edit mode, then add the items from the Content Drawer if I want to add additional static meshes into a level instance. It isn’t a serious issue, though I’m curious to know how can I do the exact aforementioned steps from the tutorial, and what might be preventing me from doing it?



up !, same problem .

Any solutions? Same problem.

Still nothing yet at the moment.

I am facing the same problem as well. Cannot drag and drop new Static Meshes into an existing Packed Level Instance that I am currently editing.

did you have solved this? i have faced the same problem now.sad :sob:

You need to duplicate one of your existing instance static meshes inside of your world outline in the packed- Level instance and then assign your static mesh to that duplicate instance. Hope this makes sense. Please see attached image.