It’s possible to set this properties via Details panel (inside component and on it’s instance).
But it’s not even possible to even this properties in blueprint version of this component. And that’s prevents from using these properties in my custom code…
What do you need to access if I might ask? The Important stuff is exposed. Aside from that nothing is marked Private in C++ so you could easily create a couple Functions in a extend class that you can access from BP. I did not look at the Init or Update functionality so I asume changing the unexposed stuff at runtime will have no effect (check that part yourself ;P)
Which properties are you referring to in your screenshot? If you’re trying to set the Widget Class from code you can use the SetWidget() function. Providing more information about what you’re trying to accomplish will also help in finding a solution that works.
Hey, I’m sorry for lack of details in OP
I can access only Draw Size property. Can’t directly access anything else in User Interface and Interaction categories.
The reason I need this, I’m building kind of wrapper for Widget Component to speed up work. My entire plugin is all about decrease time needed to implement UIs.
So it’s sometimes useful to native property and call next actions based on additional params. Currently I can’t even Widget Class for this component from Widget Component properties - needed to duplicate this param in my “wrapper” and then I can default values of widget class, etc.
Yeah, I could write few simple functions for that. But…
I’m working on plugin that speeds up UI implementation. It’s mostly about expanding functionality of native UI elements. Few more params, not too much code and… lot of boilerplate reduced. Faster to create UIs.
I’ve decided most of the plugin in BP, it would much more accessible for users. They could modify/improve for their projects if needed.
And there are very few cases where I can’t access something in BP
Actually dev team exposes few missing things in every release. It would nice to expose these properties too
I have entered a feature request to make the properties of the User Interface section of the widget component accessible with Get/Set functions. You can follow this report here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-45371) . You can track the status of the request as it is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this request may not be implemented, or that it may not be prioritized to occur anytime soon.
The linked issue is not on the public tracker because it was entered as a feature request, and we want to keep the public tracker limited to bugs only. The reported issue is currently unresolved and open for consideration into the engine.