Can't access to unreal.DataLayerSubsystem

I can acces to DataLayerEditorSubsystem
with code
datalayer_editor_system = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.DataLayerEditorSubsystem)

But i can’t access to another subsystem DataLayerSubsystem


I receive an error
“LogPython: Error: data_layer_subsystem=unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.DataLayerSubsystem)
LogPython: Error: TypeError
LogPython: Error: :
LogPython: Error: get_editor_subsystem: Parameter must be a ‘Class’ not ‘DataLayerSubsystem’
TypeError: NativizeClass: Cannot nativize ‘DataLayerSubsystem’ as ‘Class’ (allowed Class type: ‘EditorSubsystem’)”

How to access DataLayerSubsystem and execute its methods.
( i.e unreal.DataLayerSubsystem.get_active_data_layer_names() )

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