Can't access dynamically added named slots

As the title says I want to add named slots dynamically, however I am not sure accessing the named slot in the designer is possible.

I have created a widget that I call WBP_Test, it contains a scroll box. In this example I want the scroll box to contain one named slot. However I don’t want it as a child in the designer, instead I want to add it dynamically in blueprint, like this:

When I put the WBP_Test in another widget I can’t access the named slot from the designer.

I have not found any resources online that helps so far. Any ideas on how to solve this is wellcome. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the bit of necro but did you ever find a solution for this? I’m on 5.3 and it still seems to not populate named slot widgets when constructing them in the Pre Construct event. I’ve confirmed at least that I’m not going crazy and other widgets can be constructed in the same way like the Common Rich Text Block, but named slots and some other widgets just don’t show up in the hierarchy.