I can’t access to blueprint from other blueprint. It always " not valid “. If I try use " getActorOfClass” same result.
I can’t access to blueprint from other blueprint. It always " not valid “. If I try use " getActorOfClass” same result.
If you do ‘get actor of class’, you don’t need to cast…
I see. But I can’t access to BP I need in both ways. Ahah. It strange. There is nothing extra unusual.
Get Actor of Class
returns none, there is no actorNo need to cast; if not valid, show us how you set value. Because creating a variable is not referencing.
Other than that, do explain what is the role of Master Quest actor, where, when and how it’s brought to life. And who needs to access it.
Ok. It bit complicated system. First of all, i not develop this scheme myself. I get it from Youtube tutorial. Really I not completelly understand as it works. In whole details.
MasterQuest blueprint is actor operating with all Game Quest data, completion, getting rewards, setting journal widgets and etc. It contains 10 functions.
There is another quest blueprint – QuestManager. It work with structures and functions getting quests and savings (loading).
So at this pont I use two functions: CompleteSubGoals (MasterQuest BP) and AddNewQuest (QuestManager BP). They are not pure functions.
All working fine on default level. But if I move Character to another level (location), all data lost (simple data like health and EXP, just numbers transfer OK with GameInstance).
I can’t access data in arrays, even if try save them in Game Instance. Really why need it throw to default in every new level. I see there no way to simple transfer data, only use Game Instance, there begin troubles
I try now use CastTo… Only stop operate with quests If use GetActorOfClass (MasterQuest), then quest added, but can’t be completed on other game location, because " Attempt get NONE … ", there no value. Function CompleteSubGoal can’t work. But it complete if call twice (twice click button). Because it get quest again and can complete on new location.
So I see all trouble to send array vs GameInstance… Somewhere it lost, because on default level no any problems.
Sorry to much explanations
Some addition inf. Really all work great if Character operate only with one quest on NPC. If NPC must give another quest after completion , there begin strange things…
This system was designed for not complicated quest adding and completing, on simple one level. And at this case all work great.
In real game it bit not way to use…
May be another important detail… I try cast after call " EventInteract" via interaction interface (after press E, show widget with dialog and etc…) Possible there hidden key…
Error stop appear after just Spawn this actor in level blueprint before get it in NPC blueprint. But scheme still not working as it need. There seems incorrect looping… But it other story.
But all those manipulations is strange magic
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