Cant Able to Assign Jumping Animationj

I Can’t Understand What’s wrong I am doing here. BTW Beginner here, Trying to achieve very basic, got the Running and idle Animation Correctly but can’t able to achieve Jumping Animation. Please Help me out, Stuck here for the last 3 days. I tried different methods following youtube Tutorials but it didn’t help me out.

I’m not the most qualified person for offering help but here’s my own setup for jumping.

Rule transition #1.)

Rule transition #2.)

Rule transition #3.)

Rule transition #4.)

Rule transition #5.)

Rule transition #6.)

Rule transition #7.)

Rule transition #8.)

Rule transition #9.)

Its a bit of a complicated mess but I highlighted the important bits in red, so you can ignore everything else.

And here’s the Event Graph for setting up the boolean variables that need to be called in the rule transitions for switching between different animations.

My setup might be a bit much, nevertheless I hope it will be able to help you out in figuring out your own issue.

Thanks, man , it worked in your way of doing it by separating jump action into start, Loop, and End animations. Thanks once again for taking the time and guiding me clearly with pictures.

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