The house I import from Maya. I cannot walk into my house and I don’t know why.
Not an expert here but…
Check if there is a collision box around your house, or if your player collision capsule is too big to fit.
The capsule is actually fit the house, and there’s a collision box in the front door. So I don’t get it why I can’t get into the house
Is the collision box around the house? Collision boxes will prevent passing through them.
Well yeah, still can’t work ;-;
if theres collision keeping you from entering then you need to either modify the shape of the collision to accommodate and be more accurate to the mesh, or disable the collision so it doesn’t affect the player (disable collision or collision response the the channel the player uses).
i would venture to guess that you created your mesh in maya but never specified custom collision so the engine auto generated collision for you. now the engine isnt great at making hollow collision objects so it probably created a box around your object for collision and said job done.
first find your mesh in the content browser and double click to open it. next near the top you will see a icon that says collision, click it and in the drop down select simple collision. this will enable the showing of simple collision ( the collision that affects things in game generally). the collision should be a green wire frame around your mesh. if you think of the wireframe as the outline of a shape you will see where the issue lies. so if theres no hole to enter the house you cant enter the house.
you will likely need to specify a custom collision volume for it to work as you intend. theres videos on youtube on how to do that (should be at least) but sadly i dont use maya so i cant help there (ive done it in blender).
oh and also replying “Well yeah, still can’t work” doesn’t really tell us much. its best to explain what you tried and the result that did or didn’t occur.
If this is not solved yet, you can try editing the static mesh actor and change Details->Collision->Collision Complexity to be “Use Complex Collision as Simple”.
Thanks but I’ve already solve my problem. I can walk into the house now