Cannot use Login Account on Forums

I’m able to login into:


But the same username and password no longer works for . When I click rest password (forums site) I’m redirected back to

harrisonbrock, a few people have reported this problem and we are looking into it right now as I type this. Thanks for your patience while we work on this. We’ll try to get it fixed asap.

Thank You.

harrisonbrock, could you try again and let us know if it works? do you, by any chance, have a very long password (greater than 25 characters)?

Also, if for some reason you do need to reset your password, go to and click the LOGOUT button on the top right before clicking the reset password link. There is a known bug where if you are logged in, the reset password link doesn’t work properly.

Glad to hear it. We had discovered two problems. One was related to password length and the other a problem with certain display names not going through. Let us know if you have any other issues logging in. Otherwise, enjoy the community forums! :slight_smile:

I has able to login this time.

My password is less than 20 characters but great than 10 characters.

Thanks again.