Cannot use dynamic_cast with -fno-rtti

So, I’ve been struggling with following error for more than a week: it is forbidden to use dynamic_cast with non-unreal objects.

I’ve read, probably, all the topics I could find, but nothing helps( popular suggestion - bUseRTTI = true, but this fails to compile ).

I would be walking on air if somebody had helped me out, and I could finally get to work.

Running on mac, UE 4.6.1.

anyone could help?

Hi vivalavladislav,

Sorry for the delay in responding to your post. Is this still an issue for you? I tried to reproduce this using the screenshot that you provided (setting the bUseRTTI variable to true), but did not see the error you showed when building the project. If you still need help with this, is there any additional information that you could provide?

Hi vivalavladislav,

We have not heard back from you for a few days. Are you still having trouble with this issue? I will be marking this issue as resolved for internal tracking purposes, but please feel free to re-open this post at any time with a comment if you need more help.