I have a skeletal mesh with apex cloth in it.
It works fine until I once remove the clothing, and then apply it again, a window like this appears:
It turned out that these code were added in ApexClothingUtils.cpp:
// Check the influences on the original chunk to make sure the influences match
FSkelMeshSection& CheckOriginMeshSection = LODModel.Sections[OriginSectionIndex];
FSkelMeshChunk& CheckOriginChunk = LODModel.Chunks[CheckOriginMeshSection.ChunkIndex];
if(CheckOriginChunk.MaxBoneInfluences > MAX_INFLUENCES_PER_STREAM)
const FText Text = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("Error_TooManyInfluences", "Chunk {0} in Skeletal Mesh {1} has up to {2} influences on it's vertices. The maximum when using cloth is 4, reduce the number of influences and reimport the mesh to allow cloth on this mesh."),
FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, Text);
// Can't associate, influences don't match
return false;
I guess this is for cloth blending, and we are not going to use it.
So will deleting these code fix the problem for us? Or should we do anything else to make it work?
Thank you.