Cannot upload videos larger than 30Mb

I think this was brought up, just not officially, but I cannot upload videos larger than 29.3MB
This is making it hard to report complex bugs.

I also don’t trust uploading to any clouds other than Epic’s servers

Hi Cardin, unfortunately we don’t have a fix for this at this time. Please feel free to upload and send to me in a DM either here or on Discord. You can delete immediately after I grab it.

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I absolutely hate this limit, I keep having to use video compressors to upload a video that’s only like 30 seconds long :sob:


Good to know we can upload videos!!! :smiley: I have been turning my videos into flipbook materials using textures and its a pain to do but works pretty well!

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Yeah naa, I meant upload videos to the forum. Sorry to lead you astray AweDam :slight_smile:

Don’t think you can import video to UEFN, have not tried. Crazy that you figured that workaround out though, adapt and overcome my good sir!

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oof hahah well yeah flipbook animations!

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I’m about to go down that same path, any tips you can share, are you doing it via verse with uploaded images, any limits on memory or performance you hitting?

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I have made a 42 frame 30 fps animation by making a master material and instancing it out 42 times with each of the frames of animation.
Then I made a sequence that swaps the material out every frame and applied it to a plane.
Set the post-infinity in the curves to cycle to avoid rekeying.
Set the sequence file to a ridiculous length (I find that using the loop function on sequences randomly fails)

Using this method I had every screen in the AT&T Proving Grounds BR animated with no discernable hit on performance.

(Tip - Resize one dimension by 1.222222 to turn a 1:1 plane to 16:9 ratio.)

[quote=“[Alliance]Cardin, post:8, topic:748656, username:Cardin”]
Thank you, yes that’s the exact path I went down - using the sequencer. I was hoping to build something in Verse that is more scalable, but I’m having trouble with consistency in performance. Do you compress images or load externally? Would you hit memory limit after a certain number of frames?