I get this error when trying to spawn the advanced vehicle blueprint: “attempting to move a fully simulated skeletal mesh”
I’m trying to follow the UE4 video series on creating a checkpoint racing game but this error appeared for me and not in the video. not sure how to spawn a vehicle without this error, but i insist on clean projects. any help is appreciated
no, i cannot post screenshots however it is the rather obvious method of calling “spawn actor from class” and the class is the unchanged default advanced vehicle blueprint.
(I’ve been spawning vehicles via blueprint in Dead Static Drive and 100% of the time when spawning them (and some other objects) I’d get this warning. So for like 2 years, every single time I’ve run the game I’ve had the “there were errors” message appear when exiting PIE. I’m so absolutely relieved to have fixed it.)
The fix is here:
In ActorConstruction.cpp and Actor.cpp, look for RootComponent->SetWorldTransform and SceneRootComponent->SetWorldTransform. The line numbers for 4.18 are in that tweet. You need to set the teleport options to TeleportPhysics in these calls.