Cannot set variables in AnimNotifyState BP

Is there any particular reason I cannot set variables in AnimNotifyState BP? Every other derived BP works fine for setters, but for some reason Notify State in particular won’t let me set my own values for variables. Not sure if this was designed that way since in C++ classes derived from AnimNotifyState I can create and set variables just fine with no issues. For some reason it says that ALL of the variables are read-only. Am I missing something?


@anonymous_user_0a0c44961 I know, it’s too late for you,
but for someone else facing this, Blueprint exposed functions in this class are const, but you can use Native/c++ ones, which are non-const

Or you can do this and call these in respective functions

I’ve tried this on 5.4 but UHT seems forces the functions in generated.h to be const. Removing const from the sorce code didn’t help either. Ultimately I set my vars in raw cpp thanks to epic’s genius restrictions.