Hi all,
I started learning UE4 and I am following the book “Learning C++ by Creating Games with UE4”. I guess the book uses version 4.7. Here’s what I did:
Created a new C++ class derived from Character. I didn’t put any code into the class, just a barebones Character class. I downloaded Animation Starter Pack and added the pack to my project. The author of the book recommends against hardcoding the assets into the classes so I created a Blueprint by choosing my own Character derived class.
The book shows a Skeletal Mesh property under Class Defaults but there isn’t one because of the version differences I guess. So I chose “Mesh (Inherited)” under CapsuleComponent and under Details panel I chose “SK_Mannequin” for the Skeletal Mesh property. Nothing happened. I mean the viewport doesn’t show the skeletal mesh. I tried adding new skeletal mesh components and setting their Mesh property to no avail.
I guess I’m missing something here but lack of knowledge prevents me to find it out myself.
Any ideas?