I’m getting seriously tired of all this hassle. I got everything resized and properly importing, I think. Anyhow, I was happy enough with the animation tests to duplicate it in the actual game but I’m coming up with silly error that I cannot understand. I followed the retargeting perfectly, and made sure every single one was correct. I even used UE tools to make sure the scaling was right. I don’t know what I did wrong. I hope my computer doesn’t crash cause the retargeting was way off. I am about ready to just try and use the ue4 rig and add the bones I need. This is getting ridiculous.
Edit: for those who missed it below it was a matter of a simple space sneaking through the import parsing. I removed the space and it worked wonderfully. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
BLENDER If its the Blender bug it will show up in the skeleton editor with the bone hireachy being distorted or twisted. So when you go to add animations
to the rig in Unreal Engine, it will mess up if the armature bone scaling bug in Blender was triggered and it is triggered when you move any of the armature bones around while in object mode then the bones in the armature get reset to the 3d world parameters defaults and that messes up all the bones in the armature and changes their rotation and their positions, that’s why Blender has the armature bones sticking out of the meshes like porcupines sometimes , because of this software bug… But we need to see screenshots of the rig so we can get an idea what might be going on.
Do you have any extra bones in the skeleton than the skeleton you are trying to target to? If you do the retargeting and you got extra bones in one skeleton but not in the other,. Your bone names don’t need to be the same, but the number of bones in your skeletons should remain the same or there could be issues with the re-targeting. You can also go into advanced targeting and reset all the bones to use Skeleton except for the root and hip bone.
Can’t open the attachment on here, can you use Imgbox Upload instead so people can see the screenshots
and try to figure out what’s going on. If you have got two copies of the same project opened up in the editor, that will stop the editor from saving assets until the other copy is shut down.
it was the matter of a simple space in the asset name. A bug that prevented it from showing up. Thanks for your reply and have a wonderful day