This is the first time I’ve installed (on this machine or otherwise) VS2013 and UE4. I try do to the Hello World tutorial but I get the dreaded messeges when I fire up a new blank C++ project without the starter content from the engine launcher:
Project Conversion Failed
The project
failed to compile with this version of
the engine. Would you like to open the
project in Visual Studio?
The log shows the followoing:
![The project failed to compile with this version of the engine. Build output is as follows:
Running C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.7/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe FML Development Win64 -project="E:/UE4 projects/FML/FML.uproject" -rocket -editorrecompile -progress
Parsing headers for FMLEditor
Reflection code generated for FMLEditor
Performing 7 actions (4 in parallel)
[2/7] Resource ModuleVersionResource.rc.inl
[3/7] Resource FML.rc
E:\UE4 projects\FML\Source\FML\Resources\Windows\FML.rc(8) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'windows.h'.
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Resources\Windows\ModuleVersionResource.rc.inl(3) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'windows.h'.
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\HAL\PlatformIncludes.h(5) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'new': No such file or directory
-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: E:\UE4 projects\FML\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-FML.dll
Cumulative action seconds (4 processors): 0.00 building projects, 0.50 compiling, 0.00 creating app bundles, 0.00 generating debug info, 0.00 linking, 0.00 other
UBT execution time: 10.17 seconds][1]
Using: UE 4.7.0 preview 8 (I don’t have any other version installed), this is the installer version, not source.
VS2013 Ultimate
Win8.1 pro
Windows SDK for 8.1 is also installed.
I’ve also Repaired VS to no avail then uninstalled and reinstalled it.
I’ve followed the instructions here: Setting Up Visual Studio Development Environment for C++ Projects in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation
BUT! At the place where I can change the Max Cache Translation Units, it’s locked on 2 for me and I can’t change it.
Also installed the visualizer and extension: Using the UnrealVS Extension for Unreal Engine C++ Projects | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation
I’ve uninstalled VS2012 but many files have been left behind. Don’t know if to manually delete them or not. Anyhow I’ve deleted the enviroment variables for 2012 and the 2013 are corrent and are: E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\
I’ve changed my windows log-on name to contain English characters only and anyhow the path of the installations paths of UE, VS and the project itself are always containing only english latters and numbers. It did not change older settings. Could it be because my username was originally (and perhaps still is) non-english this screws it up? Like I’ve written the project and installations folders are all english letters and numbers only.
UE4 on is on is running A-OK. I had VS2012 and I’ve uninstalled it to make room for VS2013. Borh versions were ultimate.
In my project folder I’ve located the .uproject file and right-clicked on Generate Visual Studio project files.
I get the following message:
Missing new1 Modules
The following modules aew missing or
built with a different engine version:UE4Editor-new1.dll
Would you like to rebuild them now?
new1 is the name of the project.
Selecting Yes prompts:
new1 could not be compiled. Try
rebuilding from source menually.
As I’ve mentioned I’m not working with the source. Installer only.
Also attached the in new1.rar.txt the output of an attempt to create a new project.
Thanks in advance