Cannot reply to questions on my product

Hi guys,
Has anyone else had an issue in which they can’t reply to any of the questions on their product page but can edit your previous replies? (I also can reply to reviews without issues but questions is a no no).
I’m trying to reply to some questions users have but I simply cannot do that.
And yes, I’m sure i’m logged to the correct user (I can edit my previous replies and anything I post on the review part is marked as the publisher, but nothing on the questions).

Just wanted to see if there were any other cases or was it just me.
I attempted contacting the marketplace support but they the fix didn’t work (log off-log on again).


P.S. Link to my product

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I have the same problem since couple days.

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Same issue on my end

We are aware of the issue and our team is looking into it. It seems that the issue is specifically related to refreshing the product page. If you open a new tab and navigate directly to your product page, you should be able to reply to questions without issue.


Can confirm that it fixes the issues… thanks a lot!