Cannot reference actor again, no idea why

The top blueprint is set up the same as the second blueprint. It has no trouble accessing the custom function in the third blueprint. I have set it up the same way, as before. Other ways like calling for a class. Or Casting. Nothing work and it ALWAYS fails ‘ifValid’

I cannot tell you how useless tutorials have been on just basic standard Unreal blueprint questions. Just getting two blueprints to talk to each other is a nightmare. I honestly hate how poorly this is all set up.

The fact that you can access its functions in the editor does not mean that during runtime that variable has a game actor.
Why do you use “get parent actor”?

Still no answer. It doesn’t matter if I use getparent or getactor or getactorofclass and assign the variable to said actor from the dropdown. It always fails the isValid.

The actor is spawned in as a child of the parent actor. It has a blueprint that, after a button is pressed (the trigger of the button is not the problem) a panel will slide down. The Panel sliding down can be triggered from it’s own blueprint and is not the problem. said actor will getActor → IsValid → Run CustomFunction from ParentActorBlueprint. The actor it is searching for is it’s parent thus trying getparent. But regardless isValid always fails.

is the parent calling a function of its child?
a common case is that you fill the variable in the begin play, but those functions are called before the begin play
if you debug it you could see which site goes first