Cannot put this BP code inside a material function


I made a simple vertex displacement BP

outside of the Displacement_MaterialFunction, the code works fine without error

inside the Displacement_MaterialFunction, I get an error that just makes no sense

what is going on with that Pixel Depth Node ? I searched the whole BP, it does not even exist

inside the function :

thanks for your help

It seems the problem is outside the function.
You didn’t connect this:

no that’s not the issue

my bad, you’re right

but I dont use any “pixel depth” node in that function

and if I remove the Scalar input, the issue is gone
why cant I use a Scalar input here ?

ok so I finaly found Pixel Depth but I dont understand what is the issue here


Maybe it can’t be used with landscape.

no it’s probably a copy paste issue
Distance Blend Range was 0, I set it to one

but thank you so much for your time trying helping me
this is gold, man


happy new year
[edit: and…no it’s not working again]
unless I remove Pixel Depth

apparently pixel depth cannot be used with world displacement

[please ADMIN, remove the solved flag]

ok, for some reason, Pixel Depth and Displacement are somehow incompaptible

here is the workaround


found the answer here :

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