Cannot perform first time setup on linux manjaro (Arch)

I can download any version of UE4 no problem, but when I run ./ I Get this error:

What I tried:

  • Version 4.22 - 4.24
  • Downloading the Arch package
  • Reinstalling Manajro
  • Restarting PC
  • Downloading dependencies manually

Can anyone help me with this?

Since you mention using Arch package - please try cloning from github directly. The engine bundles the version of mono and compiler that are known to work. AUR unreal-engine package switches to using the system mono, but I don’t think the package is tested for building the engine every time mono is updated.

No no, I did clone the github directly the first time, that didn’t work so I tried the package. Sorry for not making that clear.

Just tested 4.21 and can confirm that it generates project files without a single error.

It is, but the second step always fails.

Is it ./
For me to build a fresh clone I have to run:
