Cannot Paint Foliage in World Partition Level in UE5.1

RESOLVED: For those with this issue, in my case the problem was landscape height. Each foliage type actor has a min and max spawn height set. If your landscape falls out of those bounds, nothing will spawn. Had to change the range in my foliage models.

Hi All,

I’ve come to the foliage part of my world creation and hit a brick wall. For some reason, trying to paint foliage anywhere on the level fails. The brush appears but nothing will place. I’ve activated foliage assets by clicking the checkbox and by selecting/right-click menu/activate with no luck. I tried running the world partition commandlet to change the size of the instanced foliage grid to see if that would kickstart it but no luck. I’ve tried both the regular group paint brush and the single instance paint brush. No errors appear on the screen or in the output log.

I don’t know what else to try at this point. I’m not finding many suggestions on Google for this issue. If anyone has some advice I’d love to hear it.

EDIT: I tried using the Procedural Foliage Spawner. It generates an error when I hit resimulate that says “Unable to spawn instances. Ensure a large enough surface exists within the volume.” I’ve made the volume giant but still no joy.