Cannot package my Unreal Engine 5 Project

Hello All. I have created a game in Unreal Engine 5 from the ‘first person template’ and added my own assets and blueprints.

However, I tried to package the project (under ‘platforms’ > ‘Windows’ > ‘Package Project’). I left it running for 2 whole days and it had still not completed.

My project is not that large - the size of the project folder is only 2.6 GB.

Whilst the project was being packaged, the output log showed some warnings, I have included screenshots below:

I have not changed anything in the project settings ‘packaging’ section.

My aim is to create an executable file that can run on a Windows 11 computer. If this is not the correct method, please let me know. I was easily able to do this with a Unity project, but seems to be harder with Unreal.

Any assistance is much appreciated!

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Do you have any more of the log?

From the second photo I can see that it is progressing normally, but I’d personally need to see more of the log to detect what is happening.

All the stuff in orange:

Near the top:
[2024.04.29-18.21.56:012][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.PrecomputedVisibilityWarning:0]]

[2024.04.29-18.21.57:489][ 0]LogMaterial: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Users\emunr\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Content\White_BloodCell_Material.uasset: Failed to compile Material for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.
(Node TextureSampleParameter2D) Param2D> Found NULL, requires Texture2D


Reading through it, it seems that there are errors with WhiteBloodCell_Material (which is a material I made to edit the default first person projectile) and BP_FirstPersonProjectile (the default blueprint for the projectile - which was already present but I edited slightly).

There does not seem to be any more messages below the final screenshot after leaving it for a while, but it still says ‘Packaging project for Windows’.

The game seemed to run fine in the Unreal player - so I do not know why these errors are popping up now?

So, I was tracking the packaging text in the white that counts the remaining packages to be cooked.

Are these from the exact same attempt? Because the numbers do not match up:

Cooked Packages: 465, 1588, 2676, 3417 → Cooked Packages: 736, 2022, 3325

What I also find strange is that the total changes from 3597 to 3598, which suggests… not sure to call it… but like an infinite gather loop, which could be why the process is not completing.

The best thing would be to run the process again and print as much of the log as possible, unless someone else in these Forums who has had this issue can intercept.

The first post and second post are different attempts, yes.