Could you please provide me with screenshots of the HTML5 Project Settings from within the Editor? Are you using the Binary or Source version of the Engine?
Tried adding a browser, and tried compiling an empty project with the same result (also, I don’t think Emscripten uses the browser for anything anyway…)
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I’ll try that when I get the opportunity, but if you look at what I posted above, I’ve tried this with a blank project, as well as with other kind of projects.
can you do a full rebuild and post your build’s log file?
your OP shows this:
MainFrameActions: Packaging (HTML5): UnrealBuildTool: error: Linking globals named ‘_Z14UELinkerFixupsv’: symbol multiply defined!
this is a programming error – you might be able to clear it from a full rebuild – or else, one of your functions is already defined – a full log will help determine what’s going on…
Once you try what has suggested, could you post your results? While you’re at it, if you’re still running into trouble, could you also upload your error output logs from the blank template project?
Thanks, I think that might actually be the issue. I’ve tried on a separate computer with no plugins installed, and I didn’t get that error (I actually got a different one :D, but I might not have some of the requirements installed).
We’ve decided not to pursue the HTML5 venue anymore for now, the process is far from “build and play”.